Monday 31 December 2012

Happy NEW YEAR guys! \(^O^)/ ~(^o^~)~(^o^)~(~^0^)~

hey guys, so, it's 31th Desembeeerrr!!
ready for 12th o'clock ?? \(^0^)/
already have the trumpets??

well, this post will be continue..
and I just wanna say,
have a good time and HAPPY NEW YEAARR!!{}

love ya;D

Friday 28 December 2012


Hey, sup guys!
I just wanna tell ya, ..
ever watch Project X ?
god, damn! that movie is so awesome!

watch the trailer here ! ;D

The PROJECT-X trailer

this movie is about three losers named Thomas, Costa, and J.B, that planning to throw a huge birthday bash at Thomas's house as Thomas's parents go for a weekend for their anniversary.
Thomas, Costa, and J.B thinks that the party will be awesome, but the truth is the party is TOO AWESOME. and just in one night that will make them legends.

wanna see something Young, Wild, and Free ?
watch this movie ! ;;D

Thomas Thomas Mann
Costa Oliver Cooper
J.B Jonathan Daniel Brown
Dax Dax Flame
Alexis Alexis Knapp

Soundtrack : Kid Cudi - Pursuit Of Happiness (Steve Aoki Remix)
                                      (Free DOWNLOAD!!)


Tuesday 25 December 2012

just a post .

Heyy, there!

huff, finally, I've finished the new settings in my blog.
From the templates, untill the Advanced.

so, how about my blog ?
Like it ? .. ;D

Thursday 15 November 2012

Everything about... me :')

well, I'm gonna share something about me in this post.
hope you like it. ;)

okay, my real name is Timiaty Khadijah.
maybe it sounds like "sok alim" haha. but, it have a good means in it.

now I'm 13th years old, and I live in MGR1 Jakbar.

About me, and my family..

Yeahh, {}{} love this one.
above, it's a photo of my big family.
well, i'm the one who wore T-shirt with the text "Purwa Caraka" on it.

me, my mom, and my sister . ;;D

and, those three pics, itu ketika lagi ngadain arisan di rumahnya @mirana_nami {}{}
well, all those pics above are a long time ago ~

and, the last pic is when I was 7th years old.hahahahhahahahahha


About me, and my Friends ~

Ini foto bareng temen sd, uhm.
sorry, for the picture quality.

about my new friends ?


About me ~

heyy, gua langsung aja yaa.


Nama           :  Timiaty Khadijah
umur            : 13th
TTL             : Bali, 14/des-1999
pekerjaan      : Pelajar
kelas            : 7
alamat          :    -
no. telp         :    -
hobby           : gatau.
makanan fav  : Sate ayam, Chicken wings and Macaroni ~ ;9
minuman fav  : Vanilla Milkshake
tempat fav     : Puncak, Pantai.
Ortu : Bokap :  -  Nyokap :  -

Berbadan Sedang, Dada datar, berambut keriting dan mengembang (asli) , tinggi - , berat - ,
berkulit coklat muda, Asli warga Indonesia, Manado & Sunda. ;p wkwk.

Sunday 11 November 2012


                                                  HAHAHA, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

Saturday 10 November 2012


Hey guys, I've just made my new blog ~

well, I will post something that I hope you'll like it.
love, Mia. {}

This is me by the way =>